Alternate Terms: Corporate Strategy, Market Strategy

Regional Supply Network of Not-For-Profit Health Care Providers

Served as program manager on effort to identify ways to increase supply network value outside traditional areas of sourcing and contracting. Led steering committee through initiative evaluation process. Assessed over 85 potential projects. Developed initiative profiles (including projected business cases) and prioritized finalists. Gained organizational approval and secured funding for moving forward with seven projects.

Initiated program implementation by identifying and securing required program, initiative and member resources, establishing project status reporting, gaining organization alignment on member participation requirements and scripting member communications. Participated in supplier selection and contract negotiation efforts for two pharmacy initiatives. Seven projects are expected to generate over $75M in member savings and $2.3M – $5.0M in supply network revenue annually.

Leading Manufacturer of Building Materials for Construction Industry

Helped company develop its e-business strategy and plan. Identified fourteen potential e-business initiatives for consideration, and facilitated client executive team reaching consensus on two most important initiatives to pursue. Developed detailed business cases and implementation plans to support initiatives chosen. Five-year NPV for selected projects exceeds $8M with 30% IRR.

Top 20 Internet Retailer

Helped firm clarify its business strategy, identify optimal product mix, and determine supply chain distribution strategy.